Added all files from local repo

vala 2020-01-07 16:55:28 +01:00
parent 96256c58d0
commit a252589f41
78 changed files with 2410 additions and 0 deletions

Binary file not shown.

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
|IS-100-1 Digitaliseringens betydning for fremtidens samfunn |
|Marilex Rea Llave |

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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
| IS-110 |
| M.R.Llave |
Internet og forretningsdrift
| Navn | Sted | Favorittfarge |
| | | |
"For å hevde seg på en konkurransearena er det viktig med kunnskap"
s. 16 i Læreboka
"En datamaskin i seg selv er verdiløs for en bedrift. Den får kun verdi dersom den kan støtte og forbedre de prosessene som skaper verdi for bedriften"
s. 16 i Læreboka
Eksempel: Resturant
Oppgradert kassesystem for å gi bedre informasjon om hva som blir kjøpt og hva som går når.
Hvis det alltid går mer sandwich på onsdager, så er det naturlig å bestille mer så det er klart til onsdager.
"Digital forretiningsforståelse er å forstå og kunne vurdere hvordan IKT sin rolle i å skape verdi, utvikle og utnytte potensialet og å innovere for en bedrift, samt legge til rette for at bedriften skal fungere ovenfor merkedet og i samfunnet"
s. 19 i Læreboka
(Start) -> [Customer enters webshop] -> [Customer finds product] -> /Customer orders/ -> [Webshop gets order] -> /Webshop checks transaction/ -> [Transaction clear, webshop ships] -> (End)]
| ^ |
\/ | \/
[Customer does not find product] /Customer fixes transaction/ [Transaction rejected]
| ^ |
\/ | \/
/Customer leaves/ <-[Customer ignores error]- /Customer recieves error/- - - /Webshop notifies customer about the error/

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@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
|Enterprise Information Systems |
|From LEO I to ERP systems |
|Paolo Spangnoletti |
- Digital technologies
- Enterprise Information Systems
- Data sources and Information requirements
- Analogue Clock
KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid)
- Digital Databank Clock
Everything is stored on the device
No external interfaces
Physical key input
Monochrome display
- Digital Phone Watch
Everything is digital
Touch screen and physical keys
- Simple interface
- Monochrome display
- Digital game
- Single-use case
- Input doesnt have to give predicted output
- Algorithms
- Interactive
Times Sinclair ZX Spectrum
- Reprogrammable tool
- External input and output functionality
- Responds to user-input out of a preset given list of rules
Enigma and Alan Turning
- The first computer designed to break the German encryption used in the machine "Enigma"
- Encryption can be used offensively and defensively
Information Systems and Organizations
- Not static, but dynamic, as the business have to evolve to stay alive
- As long as there are decisions to be made, the business will have to adapt
Data, information and knowledge
- Knowledge: the experience of using information to make judgements
TEDIndia - Weird, or just different (2009) - video
Informal/social -> Where meanings are established, intentions understood, beliefs and commitments made
Formal -> Processes, policies
Technical -> IT Infrastructure that automates the formal system
OLAP = On-Line Analytical Programming
/ /|
/ / + Time
+---------+ /|
| o |/ +
+---------+ / Data
| o |/

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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
| IS-100 - Digitaliseringens betydning for fremtidens samfunn |
| Marilex Rea Llave |
Digitalisering og de 4 industrielle revolusjonen
1. Mekanisering, vannkraft, dampkraft
2. Masseproduksjon, samlebånd elektrisitet
3. Digitalisering og automatiskering
4. Kyberfysiske systemer
Å bruke digitale teknologier for å endre forretningsmodell og å
finne nye måter å skape verdi og skaffe seg inntekter på, det er
prosessen med å flytte til en digital forretning.
- (Gartner, 2009)
Begreper innen Digitalisering
Big Data - Volume, value
Cloud Computing - Skylagring, datakrønsjing
Sensorer -
Databaser - Lagring og sortering av data
Business Inteligence - Data analyse for effektivisering
3D printer -
Cyborg -
Roboter - Spesifisert arbeidsområde
Android - Mer menneskelig
Artificial Inteligence - Går gjennom store datamengder for å se mønstre
Tre fokus områder
Digialisering av:
- Digitale elementer for å styrke eksisterende produkter
- Forsterke rekkevide, informasjonsrikhet og tilknytning

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@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
| Digitaliseringens betydning for fremtidens samfunn |
| M.R. Llave |
[Trykk Login] <- <- [ECHO n\Wrong password or username, try again]
|| /\
\/ ||
[IF u=("present") & p=("match")] -> FALSE -> IF try <3 -> FALSE [Access Denied]
[ECHO n\Welcome!]
Data representeres som binære størrelser
Bit (0 or 1)
Byte (8-bit represententing a sign)
Kilobyte (1000 byte)
Megabyte (1000 kilobyte)
Gigabyte (1000 megabyte)
Terabyte (1000 gigabyte)
Pentabyte (1000 terabyte)
Exabyte (1000 pentabyte)
Zettabyte (1000 exabyte)
Jottabyte (1000 zettabyte)
Binære tall
| Desimal representasjon| Binær representasjon |
| 0 | 0 |
| 1 | 1 |
| 2 | 10 |
| 3 | 11 |
| 4 | 100 |
| 5 | 101 |
| 6 | 110 |
| 7 | 111 |
| 8 | 1000 |
| 9 | 1001 |
| 10 | 1010 |
| 11 | 1011 |
Hvordan lese binære tall
| 11001010 |
| 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 |
| 2⁷ 2⁶ 2⁵ 2⁴ 2³ 2² 2¹ 2⁰ |
| Tegn | ASCII Code | Binært |
| a | 097 | 01100001 |
| b | 098 | 01100010 |
| c | 099 | 01100011 |
| d | 100 | 01100100 |

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@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
| 2019-09-16 |
| M.R.Llave |
|2¹¹ |2¹⁰ |2⁹ |2⁸ |2⁷ |2⁶ |2⁵ |2⁴ |2³ |2² |2¹ |2⁰ |
|2048 |1024 |512 |256 |128 |64 |32 |16 |8 |4 |2 |1 |
|0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
|0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
|0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
|0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
|0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
|0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
|0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
|0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
|0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |
|0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |
|0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
|0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |
525 = 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1
8 golden rules of user interfaces
Informational feedback
Easy troubleshooting
Reverse actions
Support user-control
Avoid overloading the users shorttime memory
DataBase Management Systems
mySQL, MS Access, postgres, mariaDB, Oracle
Data Definition Language
mySQL, xml schema
Data Manipulation Language
sql, pl/sql, sql_pl
Database in normalform
1 primary key per cell
Can't be divided further
Every attribute that is not keys, are generally independent of each other.

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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
Primary key - It is the first key which is used to identify one and only one instance of an entity uniquely
Candidate key - Key that consists of two or more attributes that uniquely identify any record on a table
Foreign key - a primary key that i s used to connect two tables
First normal form
* contains only atomic values
* atomic value is a value that cannot be divided
* It states that an attribute of a table cannot hold multiple values. It must hold only single-valued attributes.
Second normal form
* It is in first normal form
* All non-key attributes are fully functional dependent on the primary key
* Non-key attributes are the attributes or fuelds of a table, other than candidate key attributes/fields on a table.
* Composite key - a key of two or more attributes that uniquely identifies the row. (customer id and store id)
* Non-key attribute is purchase location
Third normal form
* it is in second normal form
* there is no transitive functional dependency
* a is functionally dependent on b, and b is functionally dependent on c. in this case, c is transitively dependent on a via b
* now all non-key attributes are fully functional dependent only on the primary key. in [table_book], both [gendre id] and [price] are only dependent on [book id]. in table [table_genre], [genre type] is only dependent on [genre id]
Hva er "Big data"
Frank Danielsen
Hva er?
Hva kan det brukes til?
Hvordan brukes det i dag?
Store og komplekse dataset, som ikke er lett for mennesker å gå gjennom.
Four V's
Volume - The scale of the datas
Variety -
Velocity -
Veracity - Uncertainty if data

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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
| Sannheten om Kunstig Intelligens |
| Dr. Morten Goodwin |
AI Sofia er dum som et brød.
Griefbots - "Snakke" med døde mennesker. Laste opp sms, mail og lignende for å samle personligheten. Artificial Waifu.
Louise vs. Louise - Samtale med seg selv på dagsrevyen.
Algoritmer, mye data og datakraft.
1950s, første forsøk på en kunstig menneskelig maskin. Sensorer = nevroner, ledninger = synapser. Frank Rosenblatt. Kunne "skille" mellom kvinner og menn.
Geoff Hinton, Turing prisen for arbeidet i 1986.
Konkurranser om å klassifisere bilder, Geoff Hinton's AI dominerte i dette med 5% feil gjennomsnittlig i forhold til 25% feil hos konkurrentene.
Rangering (fra svak til sterk):
| Kalkulator | > [Svak intelligens]
| AlphaGo |
| Forfatteren |
| Steven Hawkins| > [Sterk intellifens / generell intelligens]
| Hal9000 |
| Skynet | > [Superintelligens]
TiMIT - Datasett for stemmegjenkjenning
Facebook annonser -> Confirmation bias
TayAI -> 4chan being 4chan
King - Man + Woman = Queen

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
Digitalisering: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) - systemer |
Dag H. Olsen |
2019-10-14 |
ERP systemer er en av de viktigste grunnsteinene i moderne bedrifter i dag.
Prossesser i bedrifter og it-støtte
Endringer i arbeidsprosesser.
"Dere skal kunne angi sentrale prosesser i en produksjonsbedrift. Forklare formålet med ERP-systmer, fordeler og utfordringer.
Få en oversikt over og kunne definere sentrale ERP-Begreper.
Forklare ERP-systemets oppbygning og funksjonalitet.
Kjenne til ERP-markedet og sentrale leverandører."
ERP - Enterprise Resorce Planning
SCM - Supply Chain Management
CRM - Customer Relationship Management
Datavarehus, Business Intelligence, Big Data - Systemer som støtter beslutningsprosesser (operative, taktiske og strategiske)
KMS - Knowledge Management Systems
Virksomhetsarkiketktur (EA), SOA, Web Services, SaaS - Ulike muligheter for integrasjon av applikasjoner i en IS infrastruktur, samt sourcing strategier.
SAP: Markedsstrategi og posisjon
25% markedsandel av ERP-markedet
Brukt av mange Fortune500 selskaper: exxon, wal-mart, hp, equinor, dnb, telenor
Økt satsing på SMB
Xledger: norsk utfordrer
Norsk nettbasert ERP system
Kunder i over 50 land

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@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
Data lakes |
Espen Langbråten, Chief Data Officer Europris |
Data Mart
Star Schema
| Hemmeligheten bak data lakes |
| |
| Aldri om teknologi |
| Alltid om arkitektur |
Data lake er IKKE et datavarehus
Gartner IT Glossary = zzz
Hovedgrunnen til data varehus = En kilde til sannheten.
Schema on write: Strengt dataformat for å legge til info
Denormalized data: Denormalisert fra en normalisert datamodell
Preaggregering: Man vil ofte preaggregere noe av data det er spurt ofte på
Laget for rapportering: Alt for å få fancy rapporter å gi til management
Data Mart
Database med metadata som omhandler produktene.
Ord laget av James Dixon (CTO, Pentho)
Motpost mot Data Mart.
Konsulenthusene & rådgiverhusene slo seg på trenden
Big data
En eksplosjon av buzz words og feilaktie definishoner av big data, data lakes og digitalisering
Ekstremt tech fokus.
Big data er de store mengdene med data som man kan lagre (før var lagring dyrt)
IBM (2017): 90% av alle data som finnes, er laget de siste 2 år.
V³ - Variety - Volume - Velocity
V⁵ - Veracity - Value - Volume - Variety - Velocity
Volume er ikke viktig
Variety er viktig
Velocity er også viktig
Value er øverste prioritet
ERP \ / Grafer og annet ledelsen
Sys X -+----- Staging ----- Datavarehus -----+- Relex
Sys Y / \ Nettside
Datalakes er bare glorifiserte staging områder
JSON og lignende er dominerende når det kommer til API
Datalake er et system eller repo med rådata, gjerne rotete og vanskelig å strukturere.
Alt. ERP, video, bilder, weblogger, etc.
Yellow elephant - Hadoop er programmet som gjør det alt mulig å sortere disse data i nær sanntid
Hadoop er et filsystem, distribuert.
Lagret instantly, og duplisert over clusteret.
Skriv og les - lynraskt
Data lake blir fort data swamp
Bruk gode rettningslinjer for å strukturere input
Ikke ta en "kjekt å ha"
Bruk robust arkitektur
Europris: struktur
Butikk og Grossist
Customer info
Basket analysis
Det store bildet:
Unike online og offline tilbud på handlingsmønster

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@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
M.R.Llave |
2019-10-28 |
Chapter 11
ERP and systems architecture
Lecture with Dag Olsen
Customer Relationship Management
Basicaly rubbing your customers back so they can rub yours...
Three stages:
1. Get customers - Customers Acqusition
Buy datasets (b.gdpr)
2. Increase the value of the customers
Upsell or cross-sell
Casual - Business - W H A L E
3. Customer retention
How to keep customers
Members club
Personalized marketing
Components of a CRM system
Identifying potential customers
Complete the marketing, buy leaving the customer with a salesman
To new customers
To existing customers, focus on upselling and cross-selling
"More value by buying a larger pack"
Customer stuff
Service and customer service
Customer contact and customer relations
Key account manager
Personalized marketing
Special offers based on your previous purchases
Different systems:
Social media (usually pretty cringe)
Chatbots (eww)
CRM - but online :jazz_hands:
Product configuration
To get and keep customers
Churn analysis: why are you leaving (uwu)? Very B.I.
Case: Skandia:banken
Input data
Output data
Cancelled wizard
Next Best Offer (N.B.O.)
Customer dialogue
Customer portal

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
Intranet og ekstranet
Diskusjon om eksempler på slik bruk
Hvordan benytte digitale muligheter i skoleverden
* Et privat nettverk som kun er tilgjengelig for egne ansatte
* 2-veis kommunikasjon
* Tjenester / Arbeidsstøtte
* Kultur
- Mer samarbeid
- Sosial plattform
- Enklere beslutninger
- Strømlinjeformet data management
- Sikkerhets risiko
- Potensielt tidkrevende og kostbart
- Kan virke mot sin hensikt
Intranet + Ekstranet = Infinite, but different loops

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@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
Datasikkerhet og grønn IT |
Spyware, malware, ransomware & trojans etc.
- - -
Privacy and private information
- the right to privacy and the right to your own personal information.
Data Protection Regulation
- The regulations for what companies can do with your private information, covers all electronic communication and storing.
GDPR for EU and EEA, covers all citizens of the EU and EEA.
- - -
- The consumers guard dog when it comes to digital rights. Has authority to fine for violations.
- - -
7 Safety Measures in Datasecurity
- Authentication: Identifying the user and what they are allowed to do
- Authorisation: Give the right access to the right resources
- Audit: Tracing activities on a network
- Confidentiality: Keeping data unavailable to unauthorised users
- Integrity: The importance of data being correct and that users can trust it
- Availablility: Informations is only available to the authorised users.
- Commitment: The importance of trust, as trades done online and so on.
- - -
Green IT
- Effective and responsible use of IT resources.
- Designing, reusing and reducing electronic waste
Chapter 1:
- Digital forretningsforståelse
- Forretning vs teknologi forståelse
- Rasjonalisering, styring, organisasjons, markeds
Chapter 2
- Hva er et informasjonssystem.
- Side 23-24 (6 Elements)
- Figure 2.1
- Bedriftens blod: Data
- Formål med IS?
- Hvem bruker IS?
- Forretningsprosesser
Chapter 3
- Begreper innenfor digitalisering
- 4th ind.rev. (and the 3 others)
- Digitalisering
Chapter 4
- What is a strategy?
- Konkurranse strategi og konkurranse kreftene
- Table 4.1 & 4.2, fig 4.2 (p. 52)
- Normalisation (fuark)
- A.I.
- Porters 5 markedskrefter
- Digital business strategy
- Roles of a digital leader
- Primary and supporting activities
- PAGE 56
Chapter 5
- Binary
- Processing data
- Innenheter & utenheter
- The cloud
- Digital representasjon av informasjon
- Images (p. 92)
- Operative System (OS)
- Primary and secondary memory

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
IS-100 - Summary |
M.R. Llave |
* Explain first second and third normalization
* Entities and attributes
* Binary - Calculators
* Rasjonaliseringsgevinster
* Styringsgevinster
* Organisasjonsgevinster
* Hva er et system? (s. 23) (Pentagram)
* Hva er et informasjonssystem?
* Hva er data: Data er tall, symbol og bokstaver.
1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0
128 64 0 0 8 4 2 0
128 + 0 + 32 + 16 + 8 + 0 + 0 + 1
1011 1001

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Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 73 KiB

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@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<property name="program_name">Timebanking</property>
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<property name="copyright" translatable="yes">Who gives a shit about copyright anyway?</property>
<property name="website"></property>
<property name="website_label" translatable="yes">University of Agder</property>
<property name="authors">Bendix Melkeraaen Vagle
Eirik Svagaard
Johannes Birkeland
Kjartan Erland
Thomas Gjelsten Sviund
Tor Inge Brekka</property>
<property name="documenters">Who knows?</property>
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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
| IS-104 Digital Interaction Design |
| Geir Inge Hausvik |
Godt design kan bli livsviktig, derfor fokus på brukere.
To sider av samme sak. På en side teknologi, på den andre brukere.
Design: både den kreative prosessen & det ferdige produkt av prosessen
Digital interasksjon: systemer laget for å styres av mennesker
Interface: interaktivt system som folk kommer i kontakt med. Fysisk, oppfattelig og konseptuelt.
Input and feedback.
Det handler ikke om utseende, men hva folk vil gjøre med systemet.
Bruker opplevelser må være i fokus om du skal ha en god opplevelse av programmet.
Hva vil folk, istedetfor hva kan teknologien gjøre
Involvere brukere i design process
Design for mangfoldet
Fokusere på mennesker i design ER dyrt, men fordelene overgår kostnadene.
Som grensesnitt designer må du kunne:
Gjennomføre et kompromiss mellom kunde og teknologi

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@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
| IS-104 Digital Interaction Design |
| Geir Inge Hausvik |
PACT and the process of interface design
Envision Understanding
\ /
P - People
A - Activities
C - Contexts
T - Technologies
Understand the ACTIVITIES of PEOPLE and the CONTEXTS within which they will use TECHNOLOGY.
Design and visualize TECHNOLOGICAL solutions that will fit with PEOPLE and their ACTIVITIES in the CONTEXTS where they occur.
PEOPLE - Physical Characteristiscs
- Anthropometrics
- Senses
- Abilities / disabilities
Phyical characteristiscs affects how accessible, how usable, and how enjoyable using technology will be.
- Psychological Characteristics
- Memory
- Orientation
- Words and numbers
- Attention and focus
- Mental Models
A mental model is a mental structure that reflects the users understanding of a system and therefore is a source of expectancies about how a system will respond.
- Social Differences
People have different backgrounds and make sense of signs and symbols in different ways.
People make use of systems with different motivations and aims.
- Attitudinal Differences
- Values
- Aspirations
- Ideological stances
Designers should focus on:
1. the overall PURPOSE of the activity
2. then the MAIN FEATURES:
- temporal aspects
- cooperation
- complexity
- safety-criticality and error tolerance
- the nature of the content
Thee useful types of contexts are distinguishable:
- Physical
- Social
- Organizational
Interactive technologies change rapidly. Designers need to be aware of technological possibilities for input and output.
INPUT technologies support people to enter data into a system reliably and efficiently.
Technologies for OUTPUT rely primarily on vision, hearing, and touch.
User research
Aim: to understand the requirements
Involves collecting and analyzing data
Requirements are essentially about understanding
Conceptual design (the "WHAT")
- An abstract view of a design solution
Physical design (the "HOW")
- Operational design
- Representative design
- Interaction design
Designs need to be visualized
- to help designers clarify their own ideas
- to enable people to give feedback
Scetches, fully functioning prototypes, scenarios.
We can evaluate the outcome of any of the other three activities: understanding, design and envisionment.
Many different techniques for evaluation
- Analytical evaluations
- Field studies
- Testing with users
PEOPLE who will use the system are represented by PERSONAS (profiles of different archetypical users)
ACTIVITIES and the CONTEXTS are captured in SCENARIOS of use.
Thinking about people involves thinking of what they do. Thinking about scenarios involves thinking of who will undertake them . Personas and scenarios are interrelated.
Imaginative descriptions of users based on the understanding developed (through interviews, questionnaires, observations)
- Personas are fictitious they are synthesized from knowledge of real people
- Personas need to have goals. Personas want to be able to do things using your system
- It is best to develop a few concrete personas who have specific characteristics, such as age, interests, a name, etc.
- Try to bring the characters alive perhaps include a picture
- Stories about people undertaking activities in context using technologies
- Scenarios (and their associated personas) are core constructs for interactive systems design
- They are useful in understanding, envisioning, evaluation, and bothh conceptual and physical design.

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| Gjesteforelesning |
| Egde Consulting |
Crazy 8
Brett ett ark i 4 og ett minutt per ide/rute

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
Design for user accessibility
- UX
- Usability
- Accessibility
- Phyiscally
- Conceptually
- Economically
- Culturally
- Socially
Accessibility is about removing barriers that can exclude people from using the system.
Two main approaches to designing for accessibility
Designing for all (universal desing) aims to accomodate
Principles of Universal Design
Equitable use: The design is useful and marketable to people with diverse abilities
Simple and Intuitive Use: Use of teh design is iseasy to understand, regardless of the user's experience, knowledge, language skills or education level.
Flexibility in use: The design acommodates a wide range of individual preferebnces abilities
Perceptible Information:
- Acceptability
Accessibility Guidelines
- UN and W3C
- Guidelines to ensure equal accessibility
- contrast (at least 4.5:1)
- colour
- images
- video/audio
in norway, universial design of ict is a legal requirement for the web sites that address the general public.
- de jure standard: lovdata
- de facto: what the industry actually uses

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
Digital Interaction Design
Benyon's 12 Principles
1. Visibility
2. Consistency
3. Familiarity
4. Affordance
5. Navigation
6. Control
7. Feedback
8. Recovery
9. Constraints
10. Flexibility
11. Style
12. Conviviality (Be excellent to eachother)
The modern web was a mistake.

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
1. Find tea
1.1 Choose the tea
1.2 Measure tea
2. Find a cup
2.1 Place tea in cup
3. Heat water in a kettle or a pot
3.1 Pour water over tea
4. Wait
5. Pour it out because tea is not rad at all, you britbong
6. Dispose of tea leaves and brits
7. Wash the cup
8. Flee the country and become a goat farmer in inner-Kazhakstan

IS-104/ Normal file

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<meta charset="utf-8" />
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<script src="viewer/course-data.js"></script>
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

IS-104/IS-104 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
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Eirik Svagaard
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Kjartan Erland
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Tor Inge Brekka</property>
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Eirik Svagaard
Johannes Birkeland
Kjartan Erland
Thomas Gjelsten Sviund
Tor Inge Brekka</property>
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# IS-105
tekst til tale, tale til tekst oppgave

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# IS-105

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
tanker om it:
ca 70% av alle it prosjekter er forsinkede.
kommunikasjon er hovedgrunn.
the johari window (luft, 1969)
| known to self | not known to self |
know to others | open | blind spot |
not known to others | hidden | unknown |
gruppe arbeid for å lære om deg selv og andre.
"lære noe grunnleggende for å få meg jobb"

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@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
Hva er et informasjonssystem? |
Øystein Sæbø |
Professor, Informasjonssytemer, UiA |
* hva er et informasjonssystem?
* hva er en teori?
* introduksjon til en teori om is:
Work system theroy
Organisering av informasjon
Teknologiske komponeneter
Prosedyrer og regler
"Design, delivery, use and impact of information technologies in organizatiions and society"
- Avison and Fitzgerald, 2003
Strategisk nivå
Operasjonelt nivå
|Nepal Wireles Networking Project|
Positive og negative konsekvenser
3 utfordringer
Primitive løsninger på teknologiske problemer
One Laptop Per Child
Videolink til Kathmandu
Inngår i et professjonelt nettverk
Hva er en teori?
Utsagn om hvordan noe bør gjøres i praksis
Forklarende perspektiver for å se på og forstå verden
Utsagn om forbinnelser mellom ulike
| |
| * * * * Relasjonen mellom mennesker og maskiner, gitt en kontekst. * * * * |
| |
En modell brukes for å vise en forenklet versjon av virkeligheten
Work system theory
Alter, Steven
diverse publikasjoner
/ \
environment products/services strategies
processes and activities
/ | \
participants information technologies

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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
|IS-114 Samskaping - Kommunikasjon og prosjektarbeid |
|H.O.E. Omland |
IS-104 - Samme grupperom
IS-114 - Forskjellige grupperom
Samskaping: der flere går sammen om å lage noe
Kommunikasjon: alt er kommunikasjon eller mangel på kommunikasjon
Problematisere: stille spørsmål for å se alle sider av en sak
IS-104 og IS-114 prosjekter kommer til å gå mye inn i hverandre
Steven Alter, diverse publikasjoner
Triangel: Environment + strategies + infrastructure
Processes and activities
Participants + information + technologies
| Hva | Start | Slutt | Hvem | Resultat | Kommentarer |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
| IS-114 |
| H.O.E. Omland |
Fem eller syv sanser:
Data og Informasjon
Data har ingen verdi før det sorteres ut som informasjon

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IS-114/2019-08-29. Normal file

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@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
| |
Teoretiske modeller
Leavitt's Diamant
Rapport -Eksamen
Sprint 2
Hvorfor bruke modeller?
Viktig forstå og bruke på en god måte - Hvorfor?
Hva handler vi ut fra?
Forslag fra deg?
Hva ligger under handlingene?
Hva er en modell?
En forenkling av virkeligheten
Den enkleste prosjekt modell
Hvor er vi
Hvor skal vi
Hvordan kommer vi dit?
Bruk spørreordene!
Modell: Fra grippe til team
Hva er en gruppe?
En samling mennesker med relativt få innbyrdes relasjoner - fungerer derfor mest på egenhånd
Hva er et team?
En gruppe mennesker som har etablert så gode profesjonelle arbeidsmessige relasjoner at de er i stand til "å reagere som en enhet"
Bygger på tillitsfulle relasjoner
Ikke bare etableres, må også vedlikeholdes - forandringer = Nytt team
[Steven Alter - modell]
|Socio-Technological Model |
Building System Activities
(Development tools and technical platform)
(Project org | | | (Users,
and institutional [Structure]-----+--------[Actors] Managers and
arrangements) | | | Designers)
(Goals and deliverables)
Leavits Diamant (1965)
Samme som over, men som en diamant.

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
| Informasjon og databasesystemer |
| Overgang fra penn og papir til bits |
| Hans Olav Omland |

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
- Fagområder
- Viktig som systemutvikler å få overblikk over alle behov, og vite hvordan de funker
Aktiviteter i informasjonssystem utvikling:
- Analyse. Alltid. Bruk spørreord
- Design
- Koding
- Test
- Implementering
Forskjellige tilnærminger
- Vannfall
- Inkrementell (Loop)
- Modulær
- Prototyping
Verdi som leveres satt opp mot prosessen
Basics for agile
- Indivituals and interactions over processes and tools
- Working software over comprehensive documentation
- Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
- Reponding to change over following a plan

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
Etikk og moral
Johannessen Ims "Den etiske Diamant"
- Omsorg
- Ansvar
- Kunnskap
- Tillit
Respekt / \ Omsorg
\ /

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@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
# IS-114
Hans Olav
## Sammendrag
Tverrsnitt av rapporten
  Forklaring av
    Problemet, problemstillingen du undersøkte
    Oversikt over fremgangsmåte
    Funnene eller resultatene
    Konklusjoner og/eller anbeflainger
Plasser de viktigste elementene i Sammendraget
VIKTIG om Mål- og mottakeranalyse
Nevn mottaker allerede i sammendraget
  Forklar hvorfor mottakeren, i innledning eller metode
## Struktur
Forord, sammendrag og innholdsfortegnelse skal ikke ha nummer
1. Innledning er ALLTID kapittel 1
  Start alltid med innledning som kapittel 1
  En eller annen plass i innledningnen er det fint å presentere viktige resultat av mål- og mottakeranalysen
  Presenter problemstillingen mot slutten av innledningen
2. Metode (forslag)
  Samlede data , verfifiserte data, analyse, diskusjon og konklusjon
3. Hoveddel
  Ikke som overskrift, men hovedelementer i problemformuleringen
  Kan bli flere kapitler
  Analyse og diskusjon og konklusjon?
## Struktur 2
  OBS: Ikke kapittel i vedlegg
Eksempel oppsett:
* Før eller etter konklusjonen:
Prosjekt prosessen
Gruppe/samarbeidsprosessen om gruppens samarbeid
Litteraturliste - uten nummering (sortert)
## Innhold i kapitler - Redegjørelse
Innholdet i kapitlene varierer alt ettersom det er redegjøring eller utgreiing, analyse, diskusjon, eller konklusjon.
  - Redegjørelse eller utgreiing eller teorigjennomgang
    Presenter det som relaterer seg til problemstillingen - ikke mer og ikke mindre.
  - To måter
    Forfatter sentrert
## Innhold i kapitler - Analyse
Analyse - hva innen det presenterte kan forklare eventuelt svare på problemstillingen?
  - Et eksempel
  - Facebook & Linkedin - Hva er likt, hva er forskjellig? Presentert
Vise eksempel på analyse
  - Teori analyse

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IS-114/Refleksjon.pdf Normal file

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
Refleksjonslogg 2
1. En konkret erfaring:
- Hva skjedde ?
Jeg kom ikke i gang med arbeidet.
- Hva gjorde jeg ?
Jeg prøvde å gjøre en bit jeg trodde ingen andre hadde tenkt på, men fikk beskjed om at en annen hadde den oppgaven. Endte opp med å lese faglitteratur i et annet fag.
- Hva så jeg?
Min egen manglende evne til å ta initiativ og kreativitet til å komme på hva som må gjøres når det ikke er skrevet ned som gjøremål.
- Hva hørte jeg og hva visste jeg?
Jeg visste at om jeg ikke kom i gang med noe innen de første 5 minutter av en arbeidstime, så kom den timen til å bli lite produktiv. Jeg hørte misnøyen med arbeidsinnsatsen min.
2. Analyse. Refleksjon:
- Hva skjedde?
Jeg var ikke godt nok forberedt.
- Hvordan kan jeg forstå det som skjedde?
Mangelen på forberedelse går utover arbeidet utført
- Hvordan erfarte jeg situasjonen?
- Hvordan erfarte andre situasjonen?
Unødvendig, ettersom jeg burde ha tatt initiativ til å gjøre en innsats og stille forberedt.

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<link rel="stylesheet" href="chrome://global/skin/narrate.css"><title>The Mission to Decentralize the Internet</title><link rel="shortcut icon" href=""></head>
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<h1 class="reader-title">The Mission to Decentralize the Internet</h1>
<div class="credits reader-credits">By Janus KopfsteinDecember 12, 2013</div>
<div class="meta-data">
<div class="reader-estimated-time">11-13 minutes</div>
<div class="content">
<div class="moz-reader-content line-height4 reader-show-element"><div id="readability-page-1" class="page"><div id="articleBody" data-template="two-column"><div><div><p>In
the nineteen-seventies, the Internet was a small, decentralized
collective of computers. The personal-computer revolution that followed
built upon that foundation, stoking optimism encapsulated by John Perry
Barlows 1996 manifesto “<a href="" target="_blank">A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace.</a>
Barlow described a chaotic digital utopia, where “netizens” self-govern
and the institutions of old hold no sway. “On behalf of the future, I
ask you of the past to leave us alone,” he writes. “You are not welcome
among us. You have no sovereignty where we gather.”</p><p>This is not
the Internet we know today. Nearly two decades later, a staggering
percentage of communications flow through a small set of
corporations—and thus, under the profound influence of those companies
and other institutions. Google, for instance, now comprises twenty-five
per cent of all North American Internet traffic; an <a href="" target="_blank">outage</a> last August caused worldwide traffic to plummet by around forty per cent.</p><p>Engineers
anticipated this convergence. As early as 1967, one of the key
architects of the system for exchanging small packets of data that gave
birth to the Internet, Paul Baran, <a href="" target="_blank">predicted</a>
the rise of a centralized “computer utility” that would offer computing
much the same way that power companies provide electricity. Today, that
model is largely embodied by the information empires of Amazon, Google,
and other cloud-computing companies. Like Baran anticipated, they offer
us convenience at the expense of privacy.</p><p>Internet users now
regularly submit to terms-of-service agreements that give companies
license to share their personal data with other institutions, from
advertisers to governments. In the U.S., the Electronic Communications
Privacy Act, a law that predates the Web, allows law enforcement to
obtain without a warrant <a href="" target="_blank">private data</a> that citizens entrust to third parties—including <a href="" target="_blank">location data</a>
passively gathered from cell phones and the contents of e-mails that
have either been opened or left unattended for a hundred and eighty
days. As Edward Snowdens leaks have shown, these vast troves of
information allow intelligence agencies to focus on just a few key
targets in order to monitor large portions of the worlds population.</p><p>One of <a href="" target="_blank">those leaks</a>, reported by the Washington <em>Post</em>
in late October, revealed that the National Security Agency secretly
wiretapped the connections between data centers owned by Google and
Yahoo, allowing the agency to collect users data as it flowed across
the companies networks. Google engineers <a href="" target="_blank">bristled</a>
at the news, and responded by encrypting those connections to prevent
future intrusions; Yahoo has said it plans to do so by next year. More
recently, Microsoft <a href="" target="_blank">announced</a>
it would do the same, as well as open “transparency centers” that will
allow some of its softwares source code to be inspected for hidden back
doors. (However, that privilege appears to only extend to “government
customers.”) On Monday, <a href="" target="_blank">eight major tech firms</a>, many of them competitors, united to demand an overhaul of government transparency and surveillance laws.</p><p>Still, an air of distrust surrounds the U.S. cloud industry. The N.S.A. collects data through <a href="" target="_blank">formal arrangements</a> with tech companies; <a href="" target="_blank">ingests Web traffic</a> as it enters and leaves the U.S.; and <a href="">deliberately weakens</a>
cryptographic standards. A recently revealed
detailing the agencys strategy specifically notes its mission to
“influence the global commercial encryption market through commercial
relationships” with companies developing and deploying security
products.</p><p>One solution, espoused by some programmers, is to make
the Internet more like it used to be—less centralized and more
distributed. Jacob Cook, a twenty-three-year-old student, is the brains
behind <a href="" target="_blank">ArkOS</a>, a
lightweight version of the free Linux operating system. It runs on the
credit-card-sized Raspberry Pi, a thirty-five dollar microcomputer
adored by teachers and tinkerers. Its designed so that average users
can create personal clouds to store data that they can access anywhere,
without relying on a distant data center owned by Dropbox or Amazon.
Its sort of like buying and maintaining your own car to get around,
rather than relying on privately owned taxis. Cooks mission is to “make
hosting a server as easy as using a desktop P.C. or a smartphone,” he
said.</p><p>Like other privacy advocates, Cooks goal isnt to end
surveillance, but to make it harder to do en masse. “When you couple a
secure, self-hosted platform with properly implemented cryptography, you
can make N.S.A.-style spying and network intrusion extremely difficult
and expensive,” he told me in an e-mail.</p><p>Persuading consumers to
ditch the convenience of the cloud has never been an easy sell, however.
In 2010, a team of young programmers announced Diaspora, a
privacy-centric social network, to challenge Facebooks centralized
dominance. A year later, Eben Moglen, a law professor and champion of
the Free Software movement, proposed a similar solution <a href="" target="_blank">called the Freedom Box</a>.
The device he envisioned was to be a small computer that plugs into
your home network, hosting files, enabling secure communication, and
connecting to other boxes when needed. It was considered a call to
arms—you alone would control your data.</p><p>But, while both projects
met their fund-raising goals and drummed up a good deal of hype, neither
came to fruition. Diasporas team fell into disarray after a
disappointing beta launch, personal drama, and the appearance of new
competitors such as Google+; apart from some <a href="" target="_blank">privacy software</a> released last year, Moglens Freedom Box has yet to materialize at all.</p><p>“There
is a bigger problem with why so many of these efforts have failed” to
achieve mass adoption, said Brennan Novak, a user-interface designer who
works on privacy tools. The challenge, Novak said, is to<span data-page="page_final"></span>
make decentralized alternatives that are as secure, convenient, and
seductive as a Google account. “Its a tricky thing to pin down,” he
told me in an encrypted online chat. “But I believe the problem exists
somewhere between the barrier to entry (user-interface design, technical
difficulty to set up, and over-all user experience) versus the
perceived value of the tool, as seen by Joe Public and Joe Amateur
Techie.”</p><p>One of Novaks projects, Mailpile, is a crowd-funded
e-mail application with built-in security tools that are normally too
onerous for average people to set up and use—namely, Phil Zimmermanns
revolutionary but never widely adopted <a href="">Pretty Good Privacy</a>.
“Its a hard thing to explain…. A lot of peoples eyes glaze over,” he
said. Instead, Mailpile is being designed in a way that gives users a
sense of their level of privacy, without knowing about encryption keys
or other complicated technology. Just as important, the app will allow
users to self-host their e-mail accounts on a machine they control, so
it can run on platforms like ArkOS.</p><p>“There already exist deep and
geeky communities in cryptology or self-hosting or free software, but
the message is rarely aimed at non-technical people,” said Irina
Bolychevsky, an organizer for <a href="" target="_blank"></a>, an advocacy group that provides support for projects that aim to make the Web less centralized.</p><p>Several of those projects have been inspired by Bitcoin, <a href="">the math-based e-money</a> created by <a href="">the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto</a>. While the peer-to-peer technology that Bitcoin employs isnt novel, many engineers consider <a href="" target="_blank">its implementation</a>
an enormous technical achievement. The networks “nodes”—users running
the Bitcoin software on their computers—collectively check the integrity
of other nodes to ensure that no one spends the same coins twice. All
transactions are published on a shared public ledger, called the “block
chain,” and verified by “miners,” users whose powerful computers solve
difficult math problems in exchange for freshly minted bitcoins. The
systems elegance has led some to wonder: if money can be decentralized
and, to some extent, anonymized, cant the same model be applied to
other things, like e-mail?</p><p><a href="" target="_blank">Bitmessage</a>
is an e-mail replacement proposed last year that has been called the
“the Bitcoin of online communication.” Instead of talking to a central
mail server, Bitmessage distributes messages across a network of peers
running the Bitmessage software. Unlike both Bitcoin and e-mail,
Bitmessage “addresses” are cryptographically derived sequences that help
encrypt a messages contents automatically. That means that many
parties help store and deliver the message, but only the intended
recipient can read it. Another option obscures the senders identity; an
alternate address sends the message on her behalf, similar to the
anonymous “re-mailers” that arose from the cypherpunk movement of the
nineteen-nineties.</p><p>Another ambitious project, Namecoin, is a P2P
system almost identical to Bitcoin. But instead of currency, it
functions as a decentralized replacement for the Internets Domain Name
System. The D.N.S. is the essential “phone book” that translates a Web
sites typed address (<a href=""></a>)
to the corresponding computers numerical I.P. address (
The directory is decentralized by design, but it still has central
points of authority: domain registrars, which buy and lease Web
addresses to site owners, and the U.S.-based <a href="" target="_blank">Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers</a>, or I.C.A.N.N., which controls the distribution of domains.</p><p>The
infrastructure does allow for large-scale takedowns, like in 2010, when
the Department of Justice tried to seize ten domains it believed to be
hosting child pornography, but <a href="" target="_blank">accidentally took down eighty-four thousand innocent Web sites in the process</a>.
Instead of centralized registrars, Namecoin uses cryptographic tokens
similar to bitcoins to authenticate ownership of “.bit” domains. In
theory, these domain names cant be hijacked by criminals or blocked by
governments; no one except the owner can surrender them.</p><p>Solutions
like these follow a path different from Mailpile and ArkOS. Their
peer-to-peer architecture holds the potential for greatly improved
privacy and security on the Internet. But existing apart from commonly
used protocols and standards can also preclude any possibility of
widespread adoption. Still, Novak said, the transition to an Internet
that relies more extensively on decentralized, P2P technology is “an
absolutely essential development,” since it would make many attacks by
malicious actors—criminals and intelligence agencies alike—impractical.</p><p>Though
Snowden has raised the profile of privacy technology, it will be up to
engineers and their allies to make that technology viable for the
masses. “Decentralization must become a viable alternative,” said Cook,
the ArkOS developer, “not just to give options to users that can
self-host, but also to put pressure on the political and corporate
institutions.”</p><p>“Discussions about innovation, resilience, open
protocols, data ownership and the numerous surrounding issues,” said
Redecentralizes Bolychevsky, “need to become mainstream if we want the
Internet to stay free, democratic, and engaging.”</p><p><em>Illustration by Maximilian Bode.</em></p></div></div></div></div></div>
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