Datasikkerhet og grønn IT | | ----------------------------------------+ Spyware, malware, ransomware & trojans etc. - - - Privacy and private information - the right to privacy and the right to your own personal information. Data Protection Regulation - The regulations for what companies can do with your private information, covers all electronic communication and storing. GDPR for EU and EEA, covers all citizens of the EU and EEA. - - - Datatilsynet - The consumers guard dog when it comes to digital rights. Has authority to fine for violations. - - - 7 Safety Measures in Datasecurity - Authentication: Identifying the user and what they are allowed to do - Authorisation: Give the right access to the right resources - Audit: Tracing activities on a network - Confidentiality: Keeping data unavailable to unauthorised users - Integrity: The importance of data being correct and that users can trust it - Availablility: Informations is only available to the authorised users. - Commitment: The importance of trust, as trades done online and so on. - - - Green IT - Effective and responsible use of IT resources. - Designing, reusing and reducing electronic waste Chapter 1: - Digital forretningsforståelse - Forretning vs teknologi forståelse - Rasjonalisering, styring, organisasjons, markeds Chapter 2 - Hva er et informasjonssystem. - Side 23-24 (6 Elements) - Figure 2.1 - Bedriftens blod: Data - Formål med IS? - Hvem bruker IS? - Forretningsprosesser Chapter 3 - Begreper innenfor digitalisering - 4th ind.rev. (and the 3 others) - Digitalisering Chapter 4 - What is a strategy? - Konkurranse strategi og konkurranse kreftene - Table 4.1 & 4.2, fig 4.2 (p. 52) - Normalisation (fuark) - A.I. - Porters 5 markedskrefter - Digital business strategy - Roles of a digital leader - Primary and supporting activities - PAGE 56 Chapter 5 - Binary - Processing data - Innenheter & utenheter - The cloud - Digital representasjon av informasjon - Images (p. 92) - Operative System (OS) - Primary and secondary memory