Design for user accessibility - UX - Usability - Accessibility - Phyiscally - Conceptually - Economically - Culturally - Socially Accessibility is about removing barriers that can exclude people from using the system. Two main approaches to designing for accessibility Designing for all (universal desing) aims to accomodate Principles of Universal Design Equitable use: The design is useful and marketable to people with diverse abilities Simple and Intuitive Use: Use of teh design is iseasy to understand, regardless of the user's experience, knowledge, language skills or education level. Flexibility in use: The design acommodates a wide range of individual preferebnces abilities Perceptible Information: - Acceptability Accessibility Guidelines - UN and W3C - Guidelines to ensure equal accessibility examples: - contrast (at least 4.5:1) - colour - images - video/audio in norway, universial design of ict is a legal requirement for the web sites that address the general public. - de jure standard: lovdata - de facto: what the industry actually uses